Marvesting is once again taking part in the Your Future! recruitment fair.

For the 2nd time this year, Marvesting has renewed its participation in the Your Future trade fair, an event dedicated to recruiting young people. The date was set for last October at Roland-Garros, an iconic tennis venue!

Towards employment for young people

What's Your Future?

Your Future is a unique event in Europe, offering young people aged between 17 and 24 the chance to find out more about their professional future. Students, recent graduates, schools and companies are coming together for two days with a common goal: to create career opportunities.

In this way, participants can find their future training, be coached and meet their 1st professional network. Internships, work experience schemes, student jobs or first jobs: Marvesting is recruiting young talent for its various subsidiaries to support the Group’s rapid expansion.

The event in a few figures

This forum is a must for young people looking for training or a job. It’s also a key moment for companies, which have the opportunity to promote their job offers and talk to people with a wide range of profiles. 
  • 25 000 visitors
  • 7 000 opportunities
  • 100 companies
  • 100 schools
  • 90 conferences

Match ball for Marvesting, who set off to meet the youngsters

Renewed participation

Last February, Marvesting took part in the event to promote its offerings and the Group as a whole. A success for Marvesting, who collected around a hundred resumes!

On 13 and 14 October, the Marvesting sourcing team repeated the experience with a stand branded in the Group’s new colours. The objectives? Recruiting new talent and developing links with schools and student associations to facilitate recruitment within Marvesting.

Over 100 resumes were collected once again!

Marvesting, an attractive and inclusive employer brand

Throughout the event, Marvesting demonstrated its commitment to the men and women of the Group. Training and awareness-raising programmes, corporate culture, internal communications… the sourcing teams were able to highlight to the young people the various initiatives put in place internally to promote skills development and employee well-being.

It was also an opportunity to highlight the Group’s commitment to equal opportunities, inclusion and non-discrimination: Marvesting offers equal access to employment to all employees and qualified candidates, so that everyone can make their contribution and succeed within the company.