How does Marvesting reconcile CSR and performance?

Marvesting firmly believes in ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) initiatives for the future of its activities and objectives. These issues are anchored in the Group's culture and taken into account by all stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers and investors.

What are the Group's CSR challenges?

Marvesting firmly believes in ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) initiatives for the future of its activities and objectives. These issues are anchored in the Group’s culture and taken into account by all stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers and investors.

CSR is also an competitive asset to attract and retain the most qualified and committed talent. A major challenge for the Group, which has recruited over 1,700 people by 2023 (permanent and fixed-term contracts)!

Marvesting’s approach is based on 4 pillars:

– Nurturing the Growth of Women and Men in the Group

– Offering Innovative and Responsible Solutions to Clients

– Making a Positive Impact on Communities

– Reducing Environmental Footprint

Suppliers at the heart of sustainable practices

Marvesting aims to strengthen its CSR commitment by surrounding itself with suppliers who are committed to a sustainable approach.

Every year, the Group conducts a survey of its partners to assess their CSR performance, with the ultimate aim of building long-term, mutually beneficial business relationships. The most recent survey was carried out in February this year among 106 targeted suppliers across France, the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Some results:

71% have formalised their CSR approach (General Management or CSR Committee)

48% are certified or labelled

93% have undertaken to reduce their environmental footprint (including 25% who have carried out a carbon footprint assessment)

Attracting talent and ensuring the well-being of our employees are key concerns for the Group

Marvesting makes it a point of honour to maintain and improve its employer brand in order to attract talent and retain employees who have already joined the Group. That’s why Marvesting is committed to supporting their development through regular in-house events, eco-responsible gifts, various actions through the CSE and a personalised training programme.

As employee development is one of the Group’s core concerns, Marvesting has already put in place a number of measures over the past few years:

– A Talent Programme (identifying talented people to help them develop within the Group)

– A career management plan

– An extensive training policy (more than 30 hours of training were completed in 2023 by each of our employees!)

Reducing our carbon footprint

Reducing CO2 emissions is also an integral part of the Group’s CSR strategy. This commitment is good for the planet, but it’s also good for business: reduced costs linked to energy optimisation, improved corporate reputation, competitive advantage, access to new market opportunities, etc.

In 2022, the Group will carry out a carbon assessment in line with the GHG protocol (an international protocol aimed at establishing a regulatory framework to better define greenhouse gas emissions from industry, with a view to accounting for and reducing them), with the aim of reducing its carbon footprint.

What is Marvesting’s objective?

The Group is committed to reducing its CO2 emissions by 7.5% by 2025. As a result, measures are being taken to monitor this reduction (a more responsible car fleet, waste sorting, etc.). KPIs are also monitored to measure changes in the impact of our actions.

Ethics and compliance

Marvesting ensures that all business operations comply with high ethical standards, particularly in the fight against corruption. What’s more, with the increase in digital practices, protecting customer and employee data has become a major issue of compliance and trust.

Assessing performance to improve sustainability

Marvesting aims to continuously improve its results in order to achieve its CSR objectives and  optimise its commercial performance. To help it manage the large amount of data held by each subsidiary, the Group uses ZEI, an evaluation and management solution that optimises reporting and communication  with customers and employees.

The Group is committed to 4 objectives:

– Improve the results of the EcoVadis  assessment

(Adopting sound sustainability policies and practices…)

– Improving employee well-being at work 

(Improving the quality of life at work, developing the skills of our employees, etc.)

– Reducing the Group’s carbon emissions 

(Reducing the Group’s carbon emissions by 7.5% by 2025, optimising the number of kilometres travelled,  electrifying the vehicle fleet, etc.).